Dear User,
Within the meaning of Article 13 of GDPR 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, your data are treated in accordance with the principles of accuracy, legality and transparency, while taking into account your privacy and your rights.

  • Our personal data can only be processed for marketing purposes, for example for sending of our newsletters, with your explicit consent. The data are processed in-house by persons authorised so to do by means of electronic systems or in paper form. The data are stored in internal digital and IT archives and in every case stored on Italian national territory. The information concerning you will be kept by us until the date of withdrawal of consent.
  • Provision of personal data is required. Refusal in full or in part to provide data or consent to their processing may result in the contract not being fulfilled or being fulfilled only in part or an order not being fulfilled.
  • In order to fulfill the contractually agreed service(s), your personal data may be passed on to the following persons/institutions:(a) External legal or tax advisors, IT service providers who have been formally commissioned by us and appointed as “processors”. A list of all appointed processors is available for inspection at the company headquarters. (b) Authorities and other public institutions. The legal basis for the transfer is the fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations or the implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject. In any case, only the data that are indispensable for the fulfillment of the respective service will be disclosed. If the transmission of anonymized data proves to be sufficient, only this data will be transmitted. Your personal data will only be disseminated with your express consent.
  • The holder of the personal data has the right at any time to receive information concerning the content of his data collected via this web site and where required, to have these data rectified or updated or to require their erasure. The holder of the data is also entitled to assert all the other rights conferred on him. For this purpose it is necessary to contact the controller of the data processing, Alto Adige Wines, by e-mail at