Selection procedure of the implementing body of the information and promotion program of agricultural products in the extra market (Third Countries) - Reg. Ue 1144/2014

Selection procedure of the implementing body of the information and promotion program of agricultural products in the extra market (Third Countries) - Reg. Ue 1144/2014

Simple project program: TASK-EU hear, Touch, tAste, See, dream: Keep alive the EUropean quality

November 24th 2022

On November 24, 2022 it was submitted to the Publications Office of the European Union a call for tenders for the selection, through an open competitive procedure, of an Implementing Body in charge of carrying out the actions (activities / initiatives) having the following characteristics under EU Regulation no. 1144/2014 - Call for proposals 2022, with the following characterizing elements:

  • Target countries: UNITED KINGDOM and SWITZERLAND
  • Activities that will be carried out:
    • WP2 - Public relations
    • WP3 - Website, Social media
    • WP4 – Advertising
    • WP5 - Communication tools
    • WP6 – Events
    • WP7 - Promotion at the points of sale

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