Notice of Call for Tenders for the selection of an “implementing body”
The Consorzio Vini Alto Adige, as lead organization and in partnership with the Consorzio Tutela Vini Etna DOC and the Consorzio Tutela Pecorino Romano DOP, notifies the submission on November 24th 2022 to the Publications Office of the European Union of a Call for Tenders in open competitive procedure. The purpose of the Call is the selection of an “implementing body” in charge of the activities required by the Simple Program Project: TASK-EU hear, Touch, tAste, See, dream: Keep alive the EUropean quality.
To access the Call for Tenders, a detailed description and the participation requirements go to this Link https://www.altoadigewines.com/en/knowledge-press/announcements/110-0.html.
To access the Call for Tenders, a detailed description and the participation requirements go to this Link https://www.altoadigewines.com/en/knowledge-press/announcements/110-0.html.
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