Charismatic Newcomers and Established Divas
Alto Adige Wines are in a Class of Their Own
Quality over quantity: rigorous reductions in yields in the vineyard and the virtuous skills of the winemakers make Alto Adige’s white wines the undisputed peak of quality in Italy, and every year, they achieve the top scores in the most renowned wine guides. Those who enjoy Alto Adige wines find their greatest enjoyment in the crispy, fresh characteristic wines which are simply radiant due to their mineral-rich acidity and intense aromas.
Pinot Grigio
The Wise White:
Versatile and Well-Rounded!
King of Scents
Pinot Blanc
An Experienced Pro:
A Multitalent
The Exotic
Favorite of the Public
Sauvignon Blanc
On the Advance:
Passion Meets Body
Müller Thurgau
The Lyric One: Lively,
Pointed, Original
Alto Adige's Mountain Wine
on Course for Success
Yellow Muscat
The Soloist:
Sensuous and Charming
Rarity with Style:
A Virtuous Tightrope Walker
Cool Nobility
on a Robust Foundation
Spicy Specialist
that Loves Thin Air

"Alto Adige wines have earned a very good image in recent years, and we can continue to build on this. Our wines are very highly valued, especially in Italy. They are considered the best quality white wines in Italy and have an ideal price-performance ratio."
Hans TerzerWinemaker St. Michael Winery, Appiano
Wine Alto Adige
About the Varieties

Cultivation zones of white wines

Referring to the entire wine production area