We Present: Pioneers form the World of Alto Adige Wine

Visionaries, Exemplary Models, Trailblazers

Today, Alto Adige wine is associated with high quality, a spirit of innovation, and functioning small structures. But the path to get there was shaped by prominent personalities with a pioneer spirit and their vision to produce wines of worldwide reputation in the unique Alto Adige landscape. In the 1970s and 1980s, as winegrowers, winemakers, and business managers of wineries, they founded a new era in this Alpine-Mediterranean winegrowing region that is so rich in contrasts, they made extraordinary accomplishments in wine marketing, and they initiated a unique quality offensive. And their success is in line with their vision: today, wines from Alto Adige enjoy a strong international reputation and are characterized by outstanding quality.

For the film series that was recently created, contemporary witnesses were selected who grew up in the vineyards of Alto Adige. They tell of their experiences, the impressive number of different grape varieties, and the terroir in the vineyards that is especially rich in contrasts which forms the foundation of the extraordinary elegance and aromas in Alto Adige wines. As wine experts, they provide insight into winegrowing operations that are rich in tradition, they share their early memories, and they venture to provide an outlook for the future.

Their wealth of experience and their influence on the development of Alto Adige winegrowing are formative, impressive, and unique. Curtain up for Alto Adige’s trailblazers in the field of wine!
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